How We Are Celebrating Two Years Of Business [hint, hint… Free Stuff]

How We Are Celebrating Two Years Of Business [hint, hint… Free Stuff]

Celebrating the RUNiversary 2016: What started as an idea and experiment has hit a two-year milestone

True Story

Before we launched Run Gum, founders Sam and Nick, asked me if I would do a two-year experiment with them around the idea of an energy gum. Ready for a change in my career and a high level of trust in Sam and Nick, I said yes.

In the Summer of 2014, we came up with a brand identity, built a website, and took a ton of photos. Then on October 14, we just showed up.

Our First Tweet

No Kickstarter or pre-order announcement. Not even a warning. We just started running.

Oh – and we were doing this all without one bit of experience with a consumer product – so EVERYTHING had to be learned. From eCommerce to shipping, to retail sales; it was all new to us.

We weren’t experts, we learned as we went.

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” - Aristotle 

Run Gum Club Members
In two years, the most rewarding aspect of my job has been interacting with you, the customers. Social media, email, Facebook groups, etc. - getting to know the people has been amazing.

I have this poster hanging over my desk and it says something I strongly hold onto as true: “Don’t Forget That Your Customers Pay.”

Of the groups of individuals that make up our business, our monthly members (over 350 of them) humble me every single day. Their loyalty and commitment have been outstanding. What’s been even better is running into them at various events throughout the country.

Which is why we are celebrating our members and Run Gum Club an entire month for RUNniversary 2016.

Free Hat. Rewards & FREE YEAR SUPPLY Giveaway
To start, every current and new member who joins in October will be getting two things: A Free Trucker Hat & their name into the end of the month drawing for a chance to win a FREE year of Run Gum.

We are also announcing a rewards program, just for Club Members. You can earn free gum and apparel by referring others that join the club.

Last but not least, back by popular demand is our Members Only #AskNick, which is an exclusive opportunity to ask Nick any question. Different this year?!? Nick will be doing them on video once a month!

Basically, we are committing to making the Run Gum Club experience better than it’s ever been.

So if you are one of our long-time members…. THANK YOU. You guys are Run Gum’s oxygen.

And to those who haven’t been a member or maybe were at one time – consider joining this month.

Not only is it the most affordable and convenient way to get Run Gum to your door - this month only - when you sign up for the 3-month commitment, you get the Free Hat and the chance to get your entire year for free!!

Thank you all who have paid attention to what we have been up to these last two years. Thank you to those who support and encourage us every day. Thank you to those who have been critical and challenge us to become better.

Happy RUNniversary and Keep Standing!

Nathan Woods
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