Meet the Team: Max Romey

Meet the Team: Max Romey

Position at Run Gum: Videographer

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am an Alaskan. I graduated from Western Washington University where I ran collegiately for 5 years. I grew up very dyslexic, and I have never finished a chapter book. However, I listened to a book every other week. This is something I struggled with a lot growing up. However, this helped me find my love for filmmaking and photography. You can’t misspell a story or a video. A picture is worth 1,000 words that you cannot misspell.

If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Stoked, determined, and creative.

What do you like best about working at Run Gum?
I like being the underdog as a brand. I love our size. In a world of huge brands, it is awesome to make an impact with such a small company. Being part of a brand that encourages people to make an impact in their own life, I think is really cool.

What is your favorite pillar from #HowWeRun?
Live With Passion. Passion is what drives life and I think it is what makes us people: it’s what makes humans, humans. No matter who you are, there is something in us all that makes us excited and makes our world turn. Passion brings people together.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
Honestly filming. I’ve always got 1,000 projects going on. I love what I do. I also really enjoy watercolors and painting, and love discovering new trails. There is something awesome about getting lost on a new running trail.

Favorite flavor of Run Gum?

Favorite artist or song at the moment.
Casey Neistat as an artist. I am impressed with what he has done with his film work and how he started from no film school, no anything.

Favorite Quote:
“Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.” - Garrison Keillor

Anything else you would like to share?
If anyone has any really cool stories, I would love to hear them. I am always looking for new stories and if anyone has any passions in life that need to be told, let me know.

Instagram: @maxromey
YouTube: Max Romey

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