Ryan Southwell, Filmmaker - Behind the Scenes of the Kilimanjaro Documentary - 019

Ryan Southwell, Filmmaker - Behind the Scenes of the Kilimanjaro Documentary - 019

"Staying positive gives you the adrenaline you need to get to the top."

Behind the Scenes of the Kilimanjaro Documentary

Ryan Southwell is a husband, dad, filmmaker, mountaineer and Nick Symmonds' support in the Mile to Mountain journey.  Ryan always knew as a child that he wanted to create through film but it wasn't until a friends wedding in 2001 where he had the "aha" moment.  

Ryan lives to find beauty and an experience the feeling you get when you climb a really tall tree, or go way back into the backcountry where it’s just you and the mountains. Somehow this has become his philosophy and training ground in life… that by sweat and going the extra mile to get that impossible view/experience/shot – it is worth it.

In this episode, Nick and Ryan discuss the journey of their adventure to Tanzania to climb Kilimanjaro, how he became a filmmaker and what is ahead for their future of mountaineering. 

Learn all about Ryan's story and what's next for him. 



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Special thanks to Ryan Southwell for joining me this week. Until next time!

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