5 Reasons Business Professionals Need Energy Gum

5 Reasons Business Professionals Need Energy Gum

Are you a business professional, spending hours at the office..maybe longer than your 8-5? Maybe you’re sitting in an afternoon meeting trying not to doze off...or tapping your foot so you don’t have to miss out on something while you race to the bathroom and back before the next slide. 

Here are 5 reasons every business professional (no matter how professional the setting) needs to have a pack (or two) of Energy Gum on hand . 

  1. Never worry about having a coffee stain on your papers again! The drip down your coffee mug that inevitably leaves a coffee ring on a presentation, or on your desk...No more! Run Gum can be stashed in your desk, no stains included! 
  2. Easy to Stash (or share). No seriously, it is as easy and convenient as putting a pack in your purse, your desk, your briefcase, or just on your desk. You’ll never have to worry about an afternoon pick me up again! 
  3. Cognitive benefits. Those 2pm meetings are actually the worst, amiright? You’ve had lunch and your body is trying to stay awake...but you’re struggling. Not only does our energy packed gum give you the caffeine and energy you need to push through the meeting, but the process of chewing actually helps you be alert and focused at the task at hand. (How about that!) 
  4. Finding yourself in TSA lines more often than the rest of us? Good thing with our Energy Gum is that you can pack it from home and take it with you on your carry on. This can help with those early morning 1 day flights where you’re off to business meetings, trade shows, or interviews! 
  5. Quick and Easy energy. Drinking your caffeine can take up to 30-40 minutes for you to feel the effects. When you chew your caffeine, we use sublingual and buccal absorption meaning you get the effects of caffeine within a few minutes. Who doesn't need that right before they give the most important presentation of their career? 

So, whether you’re in a high rise corner office, a warehouse down the street, or somewhere in the middle; Whether you’re wearing business suits, business casual, or athletic wear to work...one thing is for sure, energy gum is there for you to keep you going every day. 

Haven't tried our energy gum yet? You can try our trial pack here.
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