Introducing Boost Plans (Upgraded Subscriptions)

Introducing Boost Plans (Upgraded Subscriptions)

Dear Run Gum Subscriber,

I owe you an apology. When we launched our subscription business over three years ago, we aimed to create a community. This community would share similar values: a passion for an active lifestyle, interest in small business development, and above all saving money on Run Gum! My job, as CEO of Run Gum, was to take care of this community first and foremost. I feel that in some ways I have failed at this task. 

At the outset, my vision for what we could offer our Run Gum Subscribers had three key items:

  1. Monthly deliveries of Run Gum at a price you couldn't find anywhere else. 
  2. Value-add gifts with every shipment. 
  3. Monthly updates on the company.  

Too often there were lapses on each of these items. I promise, moving forward we will be better.

First off, if a customer wants to enjoy 20% off Run Gum, subscribing to a Boost Plan is the best way.

Beginning in September, you can expect to find a gift in every single monthly subscription shipment. Some months it may be a sticker, other months a headband, and certainly, you can expect to receive some free Run Gum! 

Moving forward, I promise to send a monthly update to all of our Boost Plan subscribers so they can be the first to learn about upcoming flavors, exciting events, and new retail locations. 

I'll finish with a massive THANK YOU to all of our subscribers who have stuck with us through thick and thin. Truly we wouldn't be here today without you. 

You can expect a special gift from me and the entire Run Gum team in your September shipment. 

And if you are not currently a subscriber, our new website makes it incredibly easy to become one. Get started with a Boost Plan Trial today for just $9.99.

Your Friend, 

-Nick Symmonds
CEO, Run Gum

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