Run The Day Podcast with Nick Symmonds and guest Nathan Woods

Nathan Woods, Chief of Stuff — Finding The Good In All Circumstances — RTD 003

“Success at work without success at home is not success at all." - Nathan Woods

How do you respond to tough circumstances?

On this episode of the Run The Day Podcast, we welcome on Run Gum's Chief of Stuff, Nathan Woods. After a high school football injury that nearly ended with an amputation, Nathan developed an attitude towards life that is fueled with uncommon positivity. Learn more about the journey he has gone on and how it ultimately led him to Nick and Sam of Run Gum.

Discover how that attitude helped create Run Gum and learn from Nick and Nathan on how they are trying hard to keep the culture at Run Gum around the idea that People Matter. 

Find out why Nick always says that when he "grows up" he wants to be like Nathan on episode 3 of the Run The Day Podcast.



Thanks for Listening!

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Special thanks to Nathan Woods for joining me this month. Until next time!

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